Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yes,because if we don't take care of our earth we all will die."Save the earth" mean we need to help the earth,from using less vehicles such as cars,motorcycle and also using less plastic bags.It is important to recycle,reuse and reduce because if we don't do this things the Earth need to face more Earth warming.We use less vehicles and plastic bags to save the earth.I suggest an activity which i and my family can do for"Earth day" is swith off the lights and using less plastic bags.

Monday, April 20, 2009

pokemon song

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

We celebrate International Friendship Day for knowing about other country's.I don't
know how International Friendship Day came about.ASEAN stands for Association
of South-East Asian Nations.Yes,I know that ASEAN has many different culture
and there are many different languages and also there are different traditional
clothes.Yes,because when i was studying in primary 3,I thought that Indonesia
has only 2parts more than Singapore,when the guest came to our school
i realised that Indonesia has more than 2parts than Singapore.Yes i have a
friend in Brunei he is a Malay boy,i know him when i was studying k1 and k2 in Brunei.
I think the school should organise a fun activity about ASEAN country's to help the
pupils to develop friendship.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I like computer lab because we can do something in the Internet.I don't like the music room because we need to sing for 30 minutes.I think we can listen to the music and ask some question from the music about what kind of instrument they use in the song.The canteen
because when i was in the canteen i saw litter's in the floor,sometimes i picked it up and
put the rubbish in the dustbin.Pupils can help by don't put the rubbish in the floor and
advise them to put in the dustbin.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

In order to be healthy we have to eat fruits and vegetables every day.The unhealthy foods that adult and children like to eat is hamburger.If we need to be strong we've to eat healthy foods.
Some of the diseases associated with eating unhealthy food is heart attack.The benefits of eating
fruits and vegetables are,in the future we no need worry about our eyes because it has many vitamin on it.Yes,it is because i want to be healthy boy.Yes,because i want all the people to
be healthy.We can encourage people to eat more vegetables and fruits by giving them